What we're doing
Council has prepared a concept plan for the upgrade of L'estrange Park playspace to meet the needs of the local community. We are also enhancing service provision and inclusive access in the playspace.
In response to calls for more equipment for younger children, the concept design includes new play equipment for children aged 2 to 6.
- Retention of existing park furniture and play equipment, where appropriate.
- Replacement of several play equipment items that are past their useful life, such as the two mound slides and the springer seesaw.
- Upgrade of selected existing items requiring maintenance, such as the replacement of worn ropes and new swing seats.
- Replacement of all soft fall rubber flooring.
- Removal of the water play and sand pit and replacement with new equipment suited to younger children
- Relocation of selected seating for improved supervision.
- Replacement of selected park furniture to provide improved accessibility and inclusivity.
- Retention of existing trees to provide shade.
Your playspace, your say
Get involved and provide your feedback on proposed changes to your local playspace for you, your family and the community to enjoy
We are after community feedback on the following proposed enhancements for the L'Estrange playground:
L'Estrange Playground Site Map

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ह्याभ योर से इन योर ल्याङ्गवेज अर्थात तपाईको भाषामा तपाईको भनाई राख्नुहोस्
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